Sunday, July 20, 2008

more of Ev

bathtime pigtails! our camera was being funny...

afterward Daddy let her roam the house naked and she rode her butterfly! heheh

Ev loves to open the door, close the door, open, close, and so forth!

she's becoming a big girl! we moved her to the table and use our beloved place mat!

her new play kitchen- a $5 purchase from our little thrift store in town. now she just needs some play food and maybe a grocery cart. oh, and maybe a doll high chair cause she is such a girly girl and loves her dolls! we gave her a rag with her kitchen and she came into the living room and washed our hands and legs for us--i think she'll be a great mommy some day!

the kitchen in is the corner of our kitchen so she can cook with me. we actually made banana bread together the other day and she never got bored! I let her pour the measurements and stir a little. she liked that she got to see all that was going on. and when i handed her the bananas to put in she started to eat it, but then put them all in the bowl like mommy told her to. what a good little helper! and good self-control since bananas are her favorite!


The African Groggs said...

she is so cute! and your house looks super cute too! how does it feel to have your own house??! nice to catch up on the johnsons! love you

Mills Family said...

I think it is great she is growing up so well...what a gift to be learning things you will do for most of your life...hopefully all.

Jen said...

Good to talk with you yesterday! And...we have one of those placemats and I haven't even gotten it out of the box yet. I'll try it sometime!