Monday, April 21, 2008

yardwork and Prayer

Aaron took some time today to help do some yard work at the house. Our flower beds that we created in December with his Dad were in serious dismay due to the heavy winter rains flooding them out. It's interesting to learn what grows here and how to make it work! Well, it took us a few hours to revamp it, and I was pretty excited when it was done, but our yard is another issue. We go back and forth about what to do. Most everyone here puts sod down because, we've been told, seed doesn't take well. Today our neighbors told me that the weeds grow so fast that they will over take the yard before your grass seed ever grows! So, we don't know if we want to waste our time with the seed, but we got some for free last year. The front yard isn't as bad as the back--we can walk on it and it's pretty soft, even with the weeds. But, the back is aweful! It is lower ground than our neighbors because we had to dig it, so it floods every time it rains! And it's really nasty weeds that hurt if you walk on them bare foot. Not quite the place you ever want to spend time in. Poor little Everly, she doesn't like grass yet because she doesn't get to play in it very much... and walking bare foot was one of my favorite things as a kid!

Tonight, on the other hand, was a monthly prayer meeting that all the churches in St. Bernard are invited to. It's an attempt at being united, and this is our second time to go. It's quite an intense time of prayer- about seven different ministers lead prayers for different things- revival, the youth, the Church, unity, etc. And there is musical worship as well, though tonight there wasn't as much I think to focus on prayer more. I have to be honest in saying that we feel quite uncomfortable during these meetings--two of the larger churches in town are pentecostal so there is alot of speaking in tongues and other outbursts that we are not used to. But, tonight we felt a little more comfortable realizing we knew quite a few people and families from these churches. We also are challenged though by the different things said through the night and are glad to be coming together with other believers in our Parish, as different as we might be.

So, that ends the night. Poor Aaron is trying to sleep but has terrible allergies! I think we need to get him some new medicene to try--any suggestions??? :)

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