Tuesday, June 16, 2009

our little talker

i feel like all our blogs are about Everly and i apologize for that! she's just changing and growing all the time and it's so much fun to write about her :) so, over the last few weeks she has really taken off with putting sentences together! One of her favorite things to say right now is, "My birthday is coming up, on next week. on Saturday." we tell her to say next year, but she never remembers to! I guess because there's always a birthday to celebrate she's learning that she wants hers to come!

And now when we look through pictures she says that everyone is her cousin. So funny. And whenever she sees anyone who looks like Jesus she thinks they are. :) She loves to look through pictures-online, in photo albums, in magazines. She's a people person. 

Monday, June 1, 2009

potty training update

I think we're on the right path with this. Everly is doing very well with "holding it" only she doesn't tell us she needs to go potty, just gets a little spastic and does the pee-pee dance... hehehe :). I'm learning to spot when she needs to go and can convince her most of the time. Also, she has been very proud of going pee-pee in the grass when we've been out and about, ie. at the park or ball field where there were no close-by toilets (and there weren't very many people around!). We always have a pull-up when we're out, but I realized that it probably wasn't the best training for me to tell her to just go in her underwear, hmmm.... This is quite the interesting process! 

i started to blog about other things but i am still in the process of uploading photos, so that will have to wait! thanks for journeying with us! :)