Monday, June 1, 2009

potty training update

I think we're on the right path with this. Everly is doing very well with "holding it" only she doesn't tell us she needs to go potty, just gets a little spastic and does the pee-pee dance... hehehe :). I'm learning to spot when she needs to go and can convince her most of the time. Also, she has been very proud of going pee-pee in the grass when we've been out and about, ie. at the park or ball field where there were no close-by toilets (and there weren't very many people around!). We always have a pull-up when we're out, but I realized that it probably wasn't the best training for me to tell her to just go in her underwear, hmmm.... This is quite the interesting process! 

i started to blog about other things but i am still in the process of uploading photos, so that will have to wait! thanks for journeying with us! :)

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