Thursday, May 1, 2008

jeremiah and our 3rd anniversary

I've been reading Jeremiah and today this verse stood out-

"When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart's delight, for I bear your name, Oh Lord God Almighty." 15:16

Our church family talks a lot about where our joy is found. I want to be like Jeremiah--really grasping what it means to bear the name of the Lord, and to find my joy and my delight in His words above all else. That's my prayer today for you and for me!

Also... thank you to all who wished us a happy anniversary! We had a nice dinner last night to celebrate the day, and took Everly with us since we are "getting away" for our anniversary in a week. We are using some vacation money that we were blessed with to take a long weekend cruise out of New Orleans. It goes to Cozumel for one day, and we're pretty excited to just relax and enjoy being a couple. Our friend Amanda is going to watch Everly while we're gone at the house. hmm.... I feel like I've written this before, but I can't remember! Anyway, thank you again!

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