Sunday, September 7, 2008

our growing girl

okay, here are some new pictures of Everly. they go from most recent to a few weeks ago- you can tell by her hair! it's getting longer, and a little harder to keep out of her eyes. but we're trying to let it grow as long as we can before our first hair cut. we just bought some new barrettes and are ready to start doing some little pigtails when we get some bands!

here Everly is doing her newest talent- the splits! i caught her doing them after a nap one day- she's going to be a gymnast or dancer i think! ;)

I thought she looked pretty precious having her snack, she loves snacks! i put apples in a basket where she can reach them (unintentionally) and she now helps herself to them. she loves this new freedom!

I tried to teach her to drink her milk from her cereal bowl. she loves to do it, but it gets a little messy!

cheese- so happy!

a favorite part of our grocery trip is getting a cookie at the bakery. it's great because then Everly is mesmerized with her yummy and mommy can check out with no problem. however, chocolate chip cookies are a little messy!

another favorite of Everly's is to play with the chalk outside. course, mommy does most of the drawing--everly likes to take the chalk out and put it back in. she's an organizer we think.

here's her wasp sting from a couple weeks ago- her little foot was all swollen!

mommy let her play with her phone as a comfort after the sting. she loves the phone, or as she says, "hone."

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