Sunday, January 18, 2009

First haircut & big girl bed!

Finally, this Saturday we went to get Everly's first haircut! The lady did it soooo quickly which I'm guessing is best for squirmy toddlers, but I was sad that it didn't last longer! Everly did pretty well too- she had to keep looking down at a toy so the lady could cut it and she is just the best little girl!

hehehe... during!

Trying to keep her looking down at the toy...

And, after! Ain't she cute? :)

We also found a used and free toddler bed for Everly and set that up last weekend. Every one warned me about this process, but Everly hasn't been difficult going to bed at all! She even crawls into her bed all by herself and sometimes during the day pretends to go "Night night!" :) She loves it, and we had a Disney Princess blanket and table/chair to match it already. Our baby is growing up!!! (I'll get some pics soon!)

...I know it's been months since we've posted--now that life is getting back to normal after Christmas I will try to keep up a little better! thanks to all of you who post and share your lives with us! :)

1 comment:

Jen said...

Glad to hear Everly is doing well with the big-girl-bed transition! I only hope that Evan will do just as well when it is his turn!