Friday, July 18, 2008

i must post, i must post....

okay, every day i come to this blog and am just tired of being on the computer checking email and doing other odds and ends. there are just too many things in the day that something has to give! so, i dont know if i'll get any pics up--i posted the rest from our trip to Indy on facebook, and i think that's it for those.

anyway, we are keeping busy here. I (shauna) am helping with our summer Kids Camp that goes for 4 weeks. so far, Aaron has stayed home a couple mornings and kept everly, and one day Everly came with me for a few hours. I'm helping with the kindergarten/1st grade class, which is crazy! a lot of these kids come from rough homes so we do a lot of disciplining, but we have a lot of fun, too! A family from Indian Creek came down to help with camp for 2 weeks- the Denny's. Eric and Marcy have 6 kids and they are a great bunch! it's been fun having them around. and i think they are enjoying their adventurous mission trip of living at the middle school!

aaron's been doing a lot too--as always! he's at the bowling alley right now. he said they had to repair a piece of roof that came off, and i think they're getting ready for some volunteers to do a little work on it too. he's also been helping a lady that lives down the street from us who is trying to rebuild her house. she's a Christian and she has been through a lot! her husband died a couple years before the storm and when she left for Katrina she was in a bad car accident- had to have wrist surgery i believe. sometimes we find it strange when someone moves back and has no family here, or much else to move back to, but i think her biggest reason is because her husband built their house. so, without any other items left to remember him by, i think she is trying to hold on to the house for that reason. Aaron has also been becoming quite the tiler. he has been helping another small Church body help a lady with the tile in her house. and i'm sure he's doing more- he always has so much going on that i can't always keep up with it!

well, that's all for this post. Everly is as cute as ever- her hair is getting long and she is getting smarter. we'll have some new pics up soon, i promise!

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