Tuesday, July 29, 2008

you know you're a mom when...

... the most exciting part of your day is your toddler peeing in her potty training toilet for the first time!

like my sister-in-law, i am making my own one of these statements!

we got the potty the other day from our friends, washed it up and tried to teach Everly what it was for. She knows what poo-poo is--i started teaching her that so she would begin to be ready for potty training. and, she doesn't like to be dirty! so, today we have taken a couple restroom breaks. both times, after a little waiting, she was able to pee! I know this might be weird/gross for some, but it's amazing to see someone so little grasp something like this, absolutely amazing. and exciting! I know it will take a while for Everly to be fully trained, but i think starting early is going to be good.


1 comment:

The McKnights said...

I know exactly how you feel. Pax started going poopie and potty in the potty chair about a month ago...at least occassionally. I was totally excited about it too! :)