Monday, October 8, 2007

7 months today! Indy and work update

well, it's been a while and i have been meaning to update this with some pretty exciting stuff. Ev started crawling a few weeks ago, and then standing a week later! She can pull herself up in her crib and on other things. i often find her standing up holding on to things and am amazed! everyone says she's really strong for her age and that she'll probably walk early. she sure is going to keep us busy!


standing for the first time- on her music box!

and today she is officially teething, i think. how can you ever be sure? but she was pretty fussy and i bought some baby oragel which seemed to do the trick. but it could be that we had a crazy busy, and fun, time in indiana and am still trying to get her take longer naps again. aaron and i got our naps in after an early morning flight and late night to see his grandparents and a friend 2 hours north of Indy. our schedule while we were there was packed! during the week aaron had training from 8-4 and everly and i got up early to take Leah to work and to get to seeing people before we picked her up at 3:45. it was good to have that time structure though.

all smiles with great grandparents cooks!

now we're trying to get back into the swing of things here. Aaron worked the day we got back, Sunday and today with a team from Georgia Tech. They had about 180 students here working with us and CrossRoads. today I got to make a quick stop at the bowling alley to see the progress. they tore down old brick walls inside, gutted the rest of the duct work and other scrap metal, and were cleaning up all the debris. tomorrow some guys from Indian Creek are flying in to look at that buiding as well as the Flechsig's house--Todd will be the community center director and a group from Indian Creek will help him with his house in December. It's exciting to see continued physical progress!

the bowling alley- the igloo looking entrance on the end will be the day care area where one used to be before Katrina.

one last thing- everly had her eye appointment today and all is well. poor little baby had to even have her eyes dialated but the dr. said she was a really good baby. and since i developed a cataract when i was born, he's going to see her again in a year, but said he doesn't expect anything like that to happen.

so... that is our life right now. we really did enjoy being in indy. we sure do love and appreciate our friends and family and wish we could do life with so many of you daily! but this is home to us now and we anticipate similar deep relationships here too. :)

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