Thursday, September 20, 2007

what a morning!

phew, i'm so glad we're home.
everly had her 6 month check up today. her pediatrician is in uptown- the area just west of downtown new orleans. anyway, the appointment went well... except that the doctor wants us to go to the eye doctor cause ev's eyes were doing something funny... we sure hope and pray it's nothing! well, i have to park in a parking garage and didn't have any cash. luckily there is an atm right outside the building.
after the dr's we went to Walmart--this is our monthly ritual since we're so close to a Walmart by the time we've driven downtown. we just needed a few things, and we just signed up for WIC and needed milk. Everly was getting a little sleepy/cranky at this point, so i was having a time trying to make sure i got the right stuff and keeping her happy. when we got to the cashier i found out that i did get something wrong. so, me and ev take the cart to go get the right thing. then, when we get back to the cashier, she informs me that I have to get cereal when i was told by the WIC lady that she thought i didn't get cereal. so, we had to go back again, and i'm trying once again to find what's on the list. finally, we get back in line and are done.
at this point, i was so ready to get home. i'm talking to aaron on the phone about the dr. appointment and accidently get on the highway the wrong way, which means we're going across the Mississippi bridge to the West Bank only to have to turn around and pay a toll to go to the East Bank. okay, no big deal. I've done this before! only, this time, I accidently got into the wrong toll lane! I kept reading the signs and thought i was in the right one, but when i got up to the window i realized that i was in the toll tag lane.
i look behind me and cars are already there, including a cop car right behind me. i come to a stop wondering what to do now. the cop starts making noises at me, not the sirens but some other cop car noise. everyone else has backed up and got in other lanes, so i think he might also and put the car in reverse. no, a honk and more noises at me. so i get out of the car and start walking back. He yells at me. "Go talk to the attendant" in an angry voice. I'm not so happy with my first new orleans cop encounter. i walk up the the lady in the toll booth with a dollar bill and she just yells at me. "You can't stop, you have to keep going! You can't stop!" I don't have a chance to say anything. She leaves the booth--where she's going i have no clue. She just tells me that i have to go inside (to pay?). I had no clue what she was talking about so I just got back in my car and drove away.
i was overwhelmed and tears came as i drove away. some people can be so rough. is it because they are having a bad day? are angry in general? don't like their jobs? in such a hurry that they don't care about other people? writing these words makes me think of how selfish i can be. i want Christ to make a difference in me. i want to be the caring person who looks at others with love and not so caught up in my own life. those people bless lives, create love and life. God, i want to honor You.

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